1) Do your Guards have Criminal Background Checks?
Yes, for felony & misdemeanor convictions and/or arrests, while this is often required for local licensing, (Depending on area.); and if an employee candidate has a felony conviction, they will be denied employment with TSI. Before hiring, we also check prior employers and require character references for employment, and conduct our own 2nd investigation.
2) What other qualifications need to be met?
An acceptable medical examination, so the Guard will perform efficiently. An appropriate testing of job performance skills to determine the best assignment, which maximizes security for our clients. While we also require our Guard’s agreement to submit to random illegal drug testing as a deterrent to prevent drug abuse, which could interfere with security work for our clients.
3) What training do the Guards have?
Some states require 40 annual hours of formal training, which security companies need to provide or they will be in violation of regulations. When this does not apply, we try and provide 40 hours, though with mostly on the job training if possible. With firearms, we prefer the Guards have State certified NRA range masters to qualify for a CCW, (Concealed Carry Weapons.) and additional education from our managers as well. We offer other training that assists our clients needs, like O.S.H.A., first aid/CPR, Customer service, and more. See our Officer Quality page for more.
4) Can your Security Guards prevent violent suspects from harming others or violating laws?
Yes, if our Client requires the Guard(s) to prevent a witnessed criminal suspect, from harming another, then we assign a trained and experienced Guard with the ability to use force if required. However, some security companies do not offer this, and the Guards will only ‘Observe & Report’ the incident, use verbal commands, while waiting for emergency services to arrive. We will gladly consult with you about your preference; and this is an important consideration to ask about, when choosing a security company.
5) Does your security Company have insurance?
Yes, we have $2,000,000 liability insurance, and $1,000,000 per occurrence and bonded, as regulated by the local licensing. This protects your business from legal liabilities, because in the event of an incident, our Company will assume the legal liability due to the Guards actions, rather than your staff, (This may avoid an expensive lawsuit.) Also, this potentially protects your Company reputation, since the public & any media involvement will refer to our activity regarding a serious incident or complaint with security.
6) What if a Guard is not performing as expected?
We offer a performance clause, that offers to replace the security Guard as soon as practical at no additional expense to our client. Always check for this in any contracts.